Snow way we are closed!

So winter finally arrived in the UK with temperatures dropping fast. this is something i prayed for myself to help with drainage long term and to bait off disease pressure. October and November has seen some of the highest disease pressure I have seen in my 23 years as a greenkeeper, Constant leaf wetness and temperatures prime for fungal growth is usually wave type pattern up and down but this year has seen a constant threat. 

I was praying for the cold to hit us not just to hurt disease pressure but because we have not had a decent cold spell or beast from the east for a few years now. The frosts are a necessary evil through winter as they help break up compaction leading to soils that drain better in the long run. In colder regions this can have a detrimental effect heaving at the soil too much and causing the ground to lift and actually ruin soil structure so there is a balance in my prayers (I seem to say that all year). I have never seen this in our region and only benefits occur by opening up already made aeration holes lower down in the profile through ice expanding.

In the last 5-10 years I have seen very little frosts that get deep and last all day so non of these benefits have occurred and as a consequence soil drainage has only become worse. Non of these effects are witnessed by sight and once thawed you do not know this has happened but on our clay land with little drainage to speak of we need mother nature to help us out when ever she can, she certainly throws it the other way. 

The problem we have now is the snow has disappeared and the ice melting only in the upper 2-3 inch from a little warmer rain, this is a big issue. We play on frosty greens in winter here at Phoenix golf club as I have never seen a detrimental effect on the surfaces, with one exception, thaw in the upper profile only. when this occurs the top becomes soft as the lower profile is still hard and will not drain. You essentially rip the top away from the sub surface with your feet, breaking roots and ruining that soil structure the little bit of ice has just helped you with.

The diagram below isn’t just for golf greens but all surfaces, fairways, tees and aprons included. Watch the state of the football pitches once play commences as some referees are blind to the perils of a thawing deep frost and pitches are deemed fit On a weekend.

So I know we are eager to play after the snow and cold but a little patience of a few more days will benefit the course long term and prevent further closures once damage occurs and areas become unfit for purpose. Once Christmas has disappeared the golf season is around the corner.

Merry Christmas to all from the ground staff and Thank you to all for your patience all year as we prepare your course.


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