
Showing posts from 2022

Snow way we are closed!

So winter finally arrived in the UK with temperatures dropping fast. this is something i prayed for myself to help with drainage long term and to bait off disease pressure. October and November has seen some of the highest disease pressure I have seen in my 23 years as a greenkeeper, Constant leaf wetness and temperatures prime for fungal growth is usually wave type pattern up and down but this year has seen a constant threat.  I was praying for the cold to hit us not just to hurt disease pressure but because we have not had a decent cold spell or beast from the east for a few years now. The frosts are a necessary evil through winter as they help break up compaction leading to soils that drain better in the long run. In colder regions this can have a detrimental effect heaving at the soil too much and causing the ground to lift and actually ruin soil structure so there is a balance in my prayers (I seem to say that all year). I have never seen this in our region and only benefits occur